Seeds to plant

The harvest was good last season. The project provides food for our community and gives our people the opportunity to learn to grow crops.

It is now time to plant again.

We have the use of the land and have prepared it for planting.
We have ordered for the hybrid maize for planting. Once we get a good phone we will be updating using pictures.

Water project



I’m the project Co-ordinator of Ohero Community Self Help Group. I am writing on behalf of the above said group to request your support towards raising the sum of USD$50000 to support our water and sanitation for the welfare of Community where over 1000 people excluding children live .We would like to drill a borehole, put water tower with two tanks holding capacity of 20,000 Litres and install solar panels plus few water tap points .The installation of solar panels will help cut the cost of electricity which is high and also help reduce water shortage during power blackout.

Your support will help us in our efforts to better the lives of the poor who live in the most remote rural areas.It will give direct help to the very poorest (mostly children-orphans and the handicapped ) at the bottom of the ladder of our socio-economic life.This project will help alleviate the suffering of many and relieve people in need or hardship, aged or sick ,and to relieve distress.


In accessing the community water needs,it was found that the largest barrier to the health of many people in our communities is very poor due to lack of clean safe water for use.The most common and deadly diseases in the community are Diarrhea, Typhoid,Eye Infection ,Skin and /Scalp Infection ,Schistosomiasis and Malaria.

Every year there are many deaths in our community related to unsafe water ,sanitation and hygiene, mainly through infectious diarrhea.

Waterborne disease is a major threat to our children and the community at large affecting their poor economic base.Your contribution to the implementation of this programme will help the community to prevent the contamination in their water supply ,thus helping to eliminate possible spread of infections ,and enable the community to be healthy so that they can lead more productive and fulfilling lives.

The project for which we are requesting funds will make a difference in the lives of the whole community making their homes not only free from water related diseases but also prevents the deaths of young children caused by unsanitary conditions and water-borne diseases.

The community have agreed to form a committee that will make sure that the water is protected and in good use for the purpose of serving the community.Our people live with meager resources and therefore there is need for support.The community have also agreed to donate a free land to carry the said project.

In amale dominated cultural and rural setting, girls have no chance in life.They are responsible for fetching domestic water.They are first to wake up in the morning and last to sleep at night.Drilling a borehole for the community will automatically help save the girls making them become responsible citizens in future.

Written reports will always be sent to you including projects progress ,photos and any relevant information should need be.


1).Drilling of a borehole and equipping = Ksh 2,300,000.00

2).Building of water tower and tanks =Ksh 1,400,000.00

3).Installation of solar panels and wiring = 950,000.00

4).General water piping = 350,000.00

Grand Total= Ksh 5,000,000.00

We thank you for your time and the anticipated positive assistance to us.

Yours faithfully

Kennedy Ouma Nyanjwa

Project Co-ordinator.

PO BOX 211-40300



I have a huge number of people sending messages to me, and I can only reply to a few dozen of them each day.

Many of these messages are from people who want help for themselves and for the orphans that they are caring for.

Some messages are requests for funding for important community projects.

For example these children want a rain water tank so they don’t have to walk many kilometers to the river to collect water every day.

Other communities need safe water to reduce the amount of water borne diseases. Recently a member of that community died, showing how urgent and important these water projects are.

Meanwhile I have the privilege of speaking with community leaders who are planting crops and rearing animals, and they want some funding for seed, animals and materials.

The Chicken Project

“Aims of the project

Following the poverty and begging that it is in My community I decided to go all round to call members so that we work together as a team to start a project that can help;

  • Eradicating poverty in our community.
  • Training other to apply their skills in the field.
  • producing a centre for a source of food to help in our community and the entire Country at large.”

Sometimes things don’t go as planned.

A member of the community become very ill and the resources of the project were sold to pay for medical help.

As the leader of the project sold his smart phone to help pay those medical expenses, he can no longer update the website that he had been given. I updated it myself but the phone that he now has does not have a camera to send me pictures.

However he is continuing with the project.

He obtained the materials for a small structure 8 feet by 4 feet and he went to a welding workshop site to get some help
The structure is now built and it can accommodate up to about 100 chickens of medium size.

He is also working on the farm, doing some controlling of soil erosion to prevent the soil from being taken away.

The ground is being made ready for the planting and the leader is continuing to train and teach these members of the project.
He would like to send pictures but he still doesn’t have a phone with a camera.

Acres of diamonds

Image from Wikipedia

Russell H Conwell was an American Baptist minister.
He made this speech 6,152 times between the late 1800s and his death in 1925

The speech was published in book form in 1890.

There are a number of messages in the story. “Dig in your own backyard.”
“Most rich people are rich because they are honest and people trust them.”
He also sympathizes with the poor.

Like any other reference, it is important to be aware that many summaries or reports on books and speeches can convey a very different message from the original. The speech is about 77 minutes long.

How to alleviate poverty

In the book “When Helping Hurts”, Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert have written about how to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor and yourself.

As we study this book and do the exercises, we can learn how to help to alleviate poverty without unintentionally causing harm.

Are we still being misled by the extremely common misconceptions about what we need to do to alleviate poverty?

Are we judging and criticizing the people who are really helping the poor instead of supporting them?

Are we unwittingly keeping poor people in poverty? Are we hurting them?

The greatest commandment

This is written about in two books of the Bible.

From Matthew 22:

35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.


From Mark 12:

28 And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?

29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:

30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.